Thursday, July 31, 2008

Camping at Beverly Beach

In mid-July we spent three days and two nights at Beverly Beach which is located just south of Lincoln City and north of Newport on the central Oregon Coast. It was a wonderful break from the 90 degree weather that Portland was experiencing.

We had breakfast/lunch one morning at Cafe Stephanie located in the historic Nye Beach are of Newport. It was WONDERFUL! If you ever have a chance to eat there, you will not be disappointed.

We also stopped at Seal Rock one day where much to our delight we found a OSU art extension class being taught. There were about 50 or so artist using various mediums all painting Seal Rock. Dacia Grace was in AWE of the artists than their interpretations of the landscape. One artist was even painting a rendition of the other artists painting Seal Rock. What fun! Mainly though, her fascination was the BEACH!

Sorry, no pictures for this post as there is a problem with blogger. However, you can click here to see an online album of our camping trip.


Unknown said...

You need to surrender the camera more often to Arthur so that YOU are in some of the photo's too!! ha ha ha