Friday, July 24, 2009

Basic Pancake Recipe
(Makes 6 4” pancakes)

½ Tablespoon lemon juice (1 ½ Teaspoons)
½ Cup rice milk
½ Cup flour
½ Tablespoon sugar (1 ½ Teaspoons)
¾ Teaspoon baking powder
1/8 Teaspoon baking soda (or use one Dash)
1/8 Teaspoon salt (or use one Dash)
1 beaten egg
1 Tablespoon cooking oil
½ Teaspoon pure vanilla extract

In measuring cup put lemon juice and fill with rice milk to make ½ cup. Set aside for 5 minutes to “sour”. Combine all dry ingredients making a hole in center. Combine milk mixture, egg and cooking oil. DO NOT STIR! Pour into dry ingredients and mix only until moist. Add vanilla extract. Mix only until color is gone. Cook over medium heated cast iron skillet. Use a little cooking oil to grease skillet. ENJOY!

These are good plain but also good with blueberries or other fruit.
Next step will be to try almond milk in place of rice milk AND to attempt cinnamon rolls!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Too Precious To Forget! - Second Time Around

Farmer in the Deli
by Dacia Grace
The farmer's in the deli
He's eating peanut jelly
Hi-ho the merri-o,
The farmer's in the deli.

"Mommy, what is a funny bone and why do they call it funny? It is not very funny when I whack it (the funny bone) on the counter."

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Homeschool Preparations Underway

I can't believe that we are already underway on our homeschool preparations! It seems like only yesterday that we were bringing our angel home from the hospital! Wow, how the time has flown!

The Lord so graciously provided this wonderful desk for us through our church family.

We were also given a very large map of the United States. Dacia Grace immediately had it on the floor and was laying down to inspect it. She really enjoys her maps!

Pointing out where Ma-Ma and Ye-Ye live.

Searching for Canada.
A map Mommy! A real map!

It's Official!

Yes, the Hom family has grown by one!
Without further ado, here is a picture of our latest addition.

Tiaberry is 3/4 shih tzu and 1/4 pekingese.
Tiaberry is 100% Chinese which is a very appropriate dog for us.

Shih tzu and Pekingese dogs were bred as guard dogs for the Imperial City.

Tiaberry spends much of her time guarding the Fanno Lodge!

We are very happy to have Tiaberry!