Friday, August 1, 2014

Dirty Laundry and the Great Physician

This post is really about the pile of dirty clothes piled all over the floor. Sweet Tia just happens to be in the photo!

Today this pile of dirty clothes speaks to me on a very deep emotional and spiritual level. They are just a pile of dirty towels, a dirty sleeping bag and a dirty blanket. Yet they represent so much more!

God is so Good! He is so faithful! I am reminded again that He is the Great Physician! He is the Creator and Sustainer of Life even at the earliest stages!

DG is a miracle in so many ways and this pile of dirty clothes speaks of His goodness and mercies.

See Arthur and I were never supposed to be able to have children. We knew that prior to becoming engaged and married.  I was diagnosed early in our dating relationship with PCOS.  We knew that from the very beginning yet we knew God had brought us together. We chose to walk in obedience to Him.

After our first miscarriage, we found ourselves expecting another bundle of joy. God held that little one together and knit her together. When we found ourselves faced with her early birth and my declining health He sustain me and so much more. Later when we were given the bleak prognosis of her quality of life, He was our Rock! 

 Those dirty clothes pile represent all of that and the amazing fact that in His mercy, He healed my sweet DG! Healed her beyond all that we could ask or even imagine! So much so that today I am cleaning up from her wonderful week at Kids Camp where she was able to do all those things and more that the neonatal doctors told us she would never be able to do!

Laundry can be overwhelming but when I am looking at it from God's perspective all my heart can do is sing of His amazing goodness! I serve an AWESOME GOD!