Friday, May 30, 2014

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock

Where has the time gone! Many weeds have grown over the path to my blog.   The time has come to revisit my blog and to return to the sweet slowness of recording my thoughts and the happenings of my day.  The reasons that I stopped blogging still remain.......the computer is still very slow.  But in the days and weeks to come I will be finding my way back to my blog and to writing.  Hopefully my vision for the blog will become clearer and better articulated.  Until is a thoughtful photo.


Stacie said...

It will come :) Sometimes we just need a much needed break so we can start fresh. Look forward to more writings. I also love this picture by the way.

Laura O in AK said...

My own blogging has gone in spurts. For a while, I was so wrapped up into reviews that most of the joy of writing went away.

I hope you find your voice again and enjoy the process.

Lara V said...

I haven't blogged for months either. I couldn't think of anything to write about.

kewkew said...

I have kept my main blog, Tots and Me up pretty well, but my other blogs have seen periods of neglect. I can completely understand. Here's hoping things will come along for you. Looking forward to following you.