Saturday, August 14, 2010

MFW Week 1

Weeks 1 and 2 of our homeschool curriculum involve studying the biblical account of creation not that Dacia Grace knows any other account.  :)  We read the Genesis account daily and talked about all that God made and how great is His creative genius.  Dacia Grace enjoyed making a book about the creation that she could share with others. 

Here are some of the highlights in photos:

Practicing scissor skills while
making her book on God's Amazing Creation.

One of our backyard visitors during this time.
I had just enough time to run into the house for the camera.

Playing letter B-I-N-G-O with D-A-D-D-I-O!
There is so much  more that we did.  It is hard to pick and choose what to include here.  If you are over for a visit Dacia Grace would love to share her notebook portfolio with you. 


BETHANY said...

Love the picture of Arthur!