Thursday, May 1, 2008

Pure Craziness

Okay, this may not be craziness to some people but for me it is......I just went out and bought 50 pounds of white jasmine why do would I consider that crazy....well, I just never imagined that I would ever buy that much rice at one time. So for me it is pure craziness...the stuff that other people's lives are made of.....people with much larger families than I. Ah well........

The reason I bought it was because I could not find anything smaller.....I guess that adds to the craziness. When I was out shopping today for the rice, I talked to the grocery store managers to see if they knew what was up with the rice just flying off the shelves.

"If people would stop listening to the paranoia perpetrated by the news media, there would be rice on the shelves" I was told over and over. This just confirms what I have been thinking all week. The real reason the rice is flying off the shelves has more to do with the news media than with a true lack of rice.

It was also confirmed by one of the local wholesale grocer houses (here in Portland, Oregon the public can shop at the wholesale houses just like small business owners and restaurateurs) that another reason for the rice flying off the shelves is because of the price of gas, many distributors are increasing their shipping and delivery rates. It is more cost effective for small business owners and restaurateurs to do their own shopping. They come in and buy everything that they can get their hands on at Costco, Winco, etc. thus causing "a run on rice". He also said that gas prices are causing all of our groceries to increase in price. The news media is failing to report that it is the gas and oil prices that are driving up the grocery prices. Rather they are focusing on the "crisis" and the "shocking" rather than the truth. Hmmmmmm..

So ladies, keep your wits about you. Shop smartly but don't let the news media pull you into the paranoia of the day!

On another note: The shop owner where I purchased the rice wondered if I was a professional weight lifter because I was carrying the bag of rice on my shoulder! I laughed! ME!


Jacki R. said...

I can see it now: Mary Lou's own "Power Rice Lifting" workout video!! Thanks for the rice advice :)

The Boehme (pronounced Bay-me) family said...

Hope you have lots of rice recipes! I once bought a bag that big, and was absolutely amazed when we made it all the way to the bottom...

Mary Lou said...

We are actually going to sell 20 pounds to I only have to worry about cooking 30 pounds of it! LOL!