Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Only Reason for Shopping

Dacia Grace greatly enjoys books and shopping. No huge surprise for those of you who know me. But this last weekend while traveling along the Oregon Coast I heard her saying the following little statement.

" The only reason for shopping that I know of is to see stores and the only reason to see stores that I know of is to see BOOKS!"

The great question for everyone reading this blog is.....From where would Dacia Grace have picked up this line of thinking?! I will send the first person who posts the correct answer a great picture! Check back in a few days and I will have posted the answer.


Anonymous said...

I would think that Dacia has been watching a whole lot of Winnie The Pooh. Isn't it great how those things fit into real life so well?

Anonymous said...

Dacia Grace is right! The best reason to shop is to buy books. We love books too. Uncle Larry has many of his favorite ones from childhood. Be they old and ragged - they are very special to him. We love to hear what Dacia is doing and what is important to her. Love, Uncle Larry Aunt Pam and Cousins Tim Leah and Olivia